Menstrual Irregularities in Teenagers: When to Seek Help?

Regular Menstruation is a mirror of healthy routine lifestyle of a woman’s life, it indicates the well-being of a woman in good health. The cycle (from the first day of one period to the first day of the next) is typically 21 to 35 days in adults. In teens, menstrual cycles may range from 21… Continue reading Menstrual Irregularities in Teenagers: When to Seek Help?

Lifestyle Changes and Diet Tips for PCOS Patients Pursuing Homeopathic Treatments

Millions of the women across the globe every month undergo severe pain in our period cycle with mood swings and changes in body such as water retention, breast heaviness and many more. One common challenge women encounter is managing the symptoms of PCOS. It is one of the most tiring symptoms that causes reaction symptoms… Continue reading Lifestyle Changes and Diet Tips for PCOS Patients Pursuing Homeopathic Treatments