Homeopathy – The right Option for Treatment of Lung Fibrosis

Interstitial lung disease includes many disorders like sarcoidosis, asbestosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. They can cause continuous fibrosis or scarring of tissues surrounding air sacs in the lungs. The scarring can cause your lung to stiffen and leads to difficulty in breathing.  The symptoms of the disease are shortness of breath at rest… Continue reading Homeopathy – The right Option for Treatment of Lung Fibrosis

Why You Should Choose Homeopathy Treatment For Lung Fibrosis?

What is Lung Fibrosis? Pulmonary fibrosis or lung fibrosis as it is commonly known as is a serious lung disease in which the tissues present in the lung get damaged. The tissue becomes thick and stiff, thus making the normal process of breathing in and out a tedious process. With time, as the tissues thicken,… Continue reading Why You Should Choose Homeopathy Treatment For Lung Fibrosis?