Homeopathy Treatment and Medicines for Sunstroke

Homeopathy Treatment for Sunstroke

Sunstroke which also referred to as heatstroke is actually a condition of the body being overheated mainly due to the prolonged exposure to the sun that too in the summer time. The most serious form of sunstroke occurs at the time when the temperature of the body rises over 104 degrees Fahrenheit or 40 degrees Celsius. Sunstroke needs emergency treatment otherwise can cause damage to the heart, brain, muscle, kidneys and other organs. The damage can further worsen if treatment is not prompt and quick. The higher the damage caused by sunstroke, the greater is the risk and might even cause death.

Causes of Sunstroke

As indicated by the name, sunstroke is caused mainly due to the heat of the sun. Some of the major causes of sunstroke areas listed below.

Constant Exposure Very Hot Environment

Prolonged exposure to very high temperature causes the overall temperature of the body to significantly rise thereby resulting in a sunstroke. Getting exposed to the sun constantly especially in the summer season can cause sunstroke particularly in the older adults and young children.

Highly Strenuous Activity

Sunstroke can also be caused by intense and continuous physical activity in very hot weather. This is common for the ones who are not at all used to high temperatures.

Wearing Too Much Clothing

Wearing excess clothes prevents the sweat from being evaporated with ease thereby causing the temperature of the body to rise to result in heatstroke.

Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Excessive consumption of alcohol can interfere with the body’s capacity to regulate the temperature causing heatstroke. This is more common in the summer season or when the temperature is very high itself.


Heatstroke can also be caused by dehydration. This happens when the individual does not drink enough water and the lost fluids are not replenished properly.

Symptoms of Sunstroke

Some of the common symptoms of sunstroke are as follows.

  • An excessively high temperature of the body
  • Alteration in the mental state of behavior
  • Normal sweating of the body is altered
  • Feeling sick in the stomach along with nausea and vomiting
  • Reddening of the skin
  • Breathing becomes rapid and shallow
  • Pulse and heart rate rapidly increasing
  • Moderate to severe headache

Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are a number of other symptoms as well. The symptoms vary from person to person depending on the severity of the sunstroke.

Homeopathic Treatment for Sunstroke

Homeopathic treatment for sunstroke is certainly a very effective one and hence a number of affected individuals readily opt for the same. The common homeopathic medicines used for the treatment of sunstroke are as mentioned below.

Glonoinum– The most effective and common homeopathic medicine used when the affected individual has a sudden and severe headache with a throbbing sensation. It is also beneficial for heaviness in the head.

Belladonna– Very effective for sunstroke with congestion of the face as well as the head.

Amyl Nitrosum – Ideal for sunstroke when the face turns red with a burning sensation. The medicine is also suitable for palpitations in the heart.

Gelsemium– This is used when sunstroke is with drowsiness and dullness. The medicine is also helpful when the patient feels dizzy.

Natrum Carb– It is an important homeopathic remedy for sunstroke at the time when the patient is susceptible to a change in temperature. It is ideal when the patient complains of extreme tiredness or weakness due to hot weather.

Lachesis– It is used for homeopathic treatment for sunstroke for the patients with a pale face along with a vomiting tendency and pressing headache.

Thus, Homeopathic treatment for sunstroke in proper time can act as the perfect remedy in this regard.

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