
Infertility is defined as a failure to conceive within one or more years of regular unprotected coitus.

Incidence: usually 80 % of couples within one year of having regular intercourse with adequate frequency (4–5 times a week). Other 10 % are able to achieve the objective by end of the second year, while remaining 10 % remain infertile by the end of second year.

Causes of infertility: Conception depends on fertility potential of both male and female partners.

    • In 30-40 % cases, male partner is directly responsible.
    • In about 40-55 % cases, female partner is directly responsible.
    • In 10 % cases, both partners are responsible.
    • While remaining 10 % are victims of unexplained infertility.

Approximately 35% of women with an infertility problem are afflicted with post-inflammatory changes of the oviduct or surrounding peritoneum that interfere with tubo-ovarian function. Most of these alterations result from infection.

Various viral infections lead to inflammatory conditions of genital organs. One example of viral infection is German Rubella Virus which causes Miscarriage (in this case, the baby has a chance to die in the womb before 20 weeks of pregnancy) or Stillbirth (in this case, the baby can die after 20 weeks of pregnancy) or Premature birth (in this case, birth can happen too early before reaching the full term of 37 weeks of pregnancy.)

Sometimes, the cervical mucus in a woman starts attacking and destroying the sperm before it reaches the egg. This condition is known as cervical hostility. Problems with a woman’s cervical mucus might interfere with the chances of getting pregnant. If the case is mild, it may lead to increase in the time to get pregnant and not cause infertility. However, serious problems with cervical mucus will cause infertility and might require treatments as well as hormonal support. When these problems become the reason for fertility problems, it is referred to as hostile cervical mucus.

PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) is a common but vaguely defined complex of signs and symptoms resulting from the spread of pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina and endocervix to the uterus, body of the endometrium, and fallopian tubes. It is a common complication of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease). The long-term consequences of PID include chronic pelvic pain, infertility, and ectopic pregnancies that are increased several-fold.

Latent infections or their sequelae may also contribute to chronic inflammation of the cervix and endometrium, alterations in reproductive tract secretions, induction of immune mediators that interfere with gamete or embryo physiology, and structural disorders of uterus and fallopian tubes. Chlamydia is the most prevalent bacterial infection of upper genital tract resulting in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and perhaps the most obstinate infection to respond to various anti-biotics and is the major cause of tubal factor infertility.

Sometimes ovarian parenchyma gets damaged due to diseases like PCOD/PCOS, causing menstrual irregularities due to hormonal imbalance that ultimately results into infertility.

Some patients suffer from chronic bacterial infections (chlamydia) with minimum or no symptoms that causes obstruction of fallopian tube which results into infertility. Salpingitis occurs in an estimated 15% of reproductive-age women, and 2.5% of all women become infertile as a result of salpingitis by age 35.1 Because in most cases, especially those caused by Chlamydia trachomatis majorly and other chronic bacterias where signs and symptoms are often minimal or nonexistent.

Some couples may suffer from unexplained infertility, where in spite of normal anatomy of organs and physiological functions the natural conception is prevented causing delayed pregnancy or infertility.

In cases of infection with the mumps virus after puberty. A feared complication is that it can affect the testicles in males and cause sterility.

Homeopathic Treatment for Infertility:

  1. Apis mel: Indicated in menstrual irregularities, mainly delayed menses due to ovarian cyst (mainly of right ovary) where the ovarian parenchyma is damaged in cases of PCOD/ PCOS. Apis melifica promotes healthy ovarian parenchyma and thereby regular ovulation and thus the monthly cycle establishes and desired result is achieved in cases of infertility due to PCOD/ PCOS.
  2. Bromium: Indicated in left sided ovarian cyst mainly with dull pain at left lower abdomen. The patient has severe dysmenorrhea with violent contractive spasms before and during menses and the patient cannot bear pressure over abdominal region. Usually patients suffer from physometra with loud passage of flatus from vagina. Desired results can be achieved with Bromium in cases of infertility due to PCOD/ PCOS if given after matching the complete totality of symptoms of the patient.
  3. Oophorinum: Often indicated in cases of infertility resulted from PCOD/ PCOS. The patient has characteristic Acne Rosacea associated with menstrual irregularities. This medicine is a sarcode made from ovarian extract and helps to promote healthy ovarian parenchyma and healthy ovulation.
  4. Natrum Phos: Indicated in infertility due to acidic cervical mucus, where the leucorrhoea (Vaginal discharge) is creamy/ honey coloured, acidic and sour smelling. This remedy balances the acidic pH of the cervical mucus to create ideal environment for the semen to thrive and move freely, and hence, is found very helpful in achieving the desired result.
  5. Kreosote:  Indicated in acidic leucorrhoea with corrosive itching and burning of the area. The patient has offensive smelling, acrid, yellowish leucorrhoea that burns the part and makes them sore to even touch.
  6. Natrum mur: Indicated in infertility associated with Vaginal dryness, where the mucus lining of vagina gets dried up due to many medical conditions, some common conditions are menopause, breast feeding, diabetes, long term usage of birth control pills, chemotherapy or any other hormone therapy (for uterine fibroid or endometriosis). Vaginal dryness associated with menstrual irregularities with profuse menstrual flow. Sometimes the patient has acrid and watery vaginal discharge.
  7. Medorrhinum: Indicated in asymptomatic post-inflammatory changes of oviduct and/ or surrounding peritoneum that interferes with tubo-ovarian function and causing infertility. This usually results from infection, especially those caused by Chlamydia trachomatis majorly and other chronic bacterias. This medicine has great anti-bacterial effects causing improvement in the immunity of the patient thus helps to establish pregnancy.
  8. Calcarea Carb: Indicated in cases of unexplained infertility, where physiological and anatomical functions are normal but still patients find it difficult to conceive. Usually, the infertility is associated with obesity. The patients have copious menses with much sweating around genitals.
  9. Borax: Indicated in unexplained sterilised where the patient has early and profuse menses with severe dysmenorrhea. Itching of vulva with eczema of genitals. This remedy favours easy conception when given after matching the Totality of the symptoms with the drug picture correctly.

At our Cosmic Homeo Healing Centre, under the able guidance of Dr. Mahavrat Patel, hundreds of patients have been benefitted and achieved desired result after taking Homeopathic treatment. 

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